Mrs Saunders and Mrs McFarlane teach Dolphin Class.
Mrs Alexander and Mrs Britton Support Dolphin Class
*Take a look at our Nursery page to find out more about the provision we offer at ISP with Mrs Britton!*
At ISP, we follow the scheme 'Talk for Writing'. The children learn the story orally, incorporating actions and remembering repeated refrains. We work together to create story maps and retell the story through drama and song before moving onto various writing tasks linked to the focus story.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed focusing on a new book every 2/3 weeks and completing some amazing Literacy work linked to our topics.
We explore...
My Name is...
Letter formation and tricky word practice;
List poems;
Guided Reading;
Story sequencing and story maps;
Non-fiction fact files and instructions;
Rhyming word work;
During Autumn, Spring and Summer Term, we work on the following aspects of Numeracy:
Number recognition and number formation;
Size sequencing;
Addition and subtraction;
Place value;
Sharing/simple division;
Repeating patterns;
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s;
Weight and capacity;
2D and 3D shapes.
Our Spring Term topic is Superheros.
At ISP, we try to incorporate the outdoors into our learning as much as possible. We are so lucky to have our own outdoor provision seperate to the other large school playground used by the whole school.
At ISP, we have a School Parliament representative in each year group. Here are the respresentatives for Reception and Year 1!
We use Class Dojo across the whole school at ISP. The children can gain Dojo points for things such as:
Being well behaved;
Listening carefully to instructions;
Being helpful;
Completing homework;
Reading at home;
Challenging themselves;
Working hard;
Staying on task
Upholding school values.
The children work hard to gain points and every time they reach a multiple of 50, they choose a small prize. When they reach 100 dojo points, they are awarded a special certificate in our whole school praise worship!
At Ireleth St Peter’s, through values rooted in Christian teaching, our community nurtures and enables positive foundations for life. Our distinct Christian ethos permeates throughout ISP.
Working together in successful partnership, our school family embraces the common goal of inspiring every child to reach their fullest potential, through God’s love.