Family Groups

Small schools are unique because of their ‘family feel’. Having fewer children means each child and their family are well known within the school community. This is especially so of St Peter’s. Our older children have always nurtured those in the lower year groups and, each year, pupils who join us in Reception are very soon confident and comfortable in their interactions with all children and staff alike. To celebrate this strength of our school we split into ‘Family groups’ for a whole day every half term.

Family Group Aims:

  • For pupils to grow a close bond with other children outside of their classrooms.
  • To increase purposeful interactions of pupils between the classes.
  • For pupils to develop a close relationship with an adult other than their class teacher.
  • For our pupils to develop a sense of responsibility for others.
  • To facilitate opportunities for our pupils to care for, support and be considerate towards pupils outside of their immediate friendship groups.

Family Group Activities:
  • There will be various opportunities created each term for family groups to meet for discussion, work together on collaborative tasks or meet for worship.

    Examples include:
  • A day spent working in our families during themes weeks e.g Science week. Anti-Bullying week etc.
  • A lesson spent with our families on themed days e.g World Book Day, Children in Need etc
  • Collective Worship in family groups led by the adult or by older children.
  • Sport competitions between families
  • Art projects
  • Whole school trips
  • Take a look at our last Family Group Day where we were joined by parents, themed around our October Value of the Month: Hope


Our Vision

At Ireleth St Peter’s, through values rooted in Christian teaching, our community nurtures and enables positive foundations for life. Our distinct Christian ethos permeates throughout ISP.

Working together in successful partnership, our school family embraces the common goal of inspiring every child to reach their fullest potential, through God’s love.